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Detector-EDS Virtual

The “VirtualEDS” is an Event Detection System (EDS) , designed to run on a cloud-based virtual server. It is a software platform that uses machine learning (ML) technology to detect abnormal conditions in both in-process and hardware. Its mission is to detect pending problems in an industrial environment before they develop into severe issues.

Tree View

Tree view shows all models and their status.

Events Classification

Enables events classification using predefined categories.

Google Map

Current data is displayed at the top of Google Maps.

Report Generation

Simple interface for report generation enables viewing both historic and updated reports

User-Friendly Interface

no need for programming skills.

Historical Data

Historical data can be displayed in various forms: Histogram, Time Series, or X-Y scatterplot.

 Easy Installation

Very easy to install on any computer.

Monitoring Station Status

A dashboard gives the user a quick report about the monitoring station status.

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